Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 of the Boot Camp!

Well, today was a little harder for me, even though I had all day instead of the couple of hours last night, since I have to do the evening calls. I did get my 5, but no signups yet. However, I do know that one of my contacts from yesterday said he was going to sign up. I usually see lots of people on my job, but today I guess everone stayed home. Tomorrow is another day, and I am ready to go! Think I'll take a little nap first though : ~ ) I didn't get my video to upload to youtube, but I shall try that again. My first experience with a camcorder. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!

1 comment:

Jean's Global Village said...

Hi, Wanda,

You are doing a great job "learning new tricks" and remember you have a whole team of other Boot Campers in exactly the same boat!

Thank goodness we don't have to be perfect--we just have to do the best we can.

Best of luck today and I hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving.
