Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 12-Hello Week-End!

Today was pretty good. I think I handed out more invitations than ever! I had a thought after talking to one of my new mall owners tonight. Her printer is not working, and she can't use the one at work for mall business, so I am going to print her some invitations and send to her. That might make a good little package to send to new WCM members, a welcome letter, the beans with instructions, and some invitation cards with their mall number on them.

I now have 2 WCM below my boot camp mall. One of my other malls has upgraded. Monday, I will follow up with ALL my contacts that have not yet joined, and visit a couple of shelters.

Have a GREAT week end everyone, and thanks for the feedback and encouragement!

1 comment:

World Changer Reality Boot Camp said...


Good idea with the invite cards with the beans! I have sent all my World Changers beans and certificates, and a XMAS Card (different envelopes though)...really important and fun to have new friends!