Monday, January 12, 2009

It's Monday! I Love Mondays!

I made the call this morning again and now have my list made of things to do today. I will make calls until 1 PM. I have an appointment at 1:30. I have allowed 2 hours for that, and then back to make more calls until 5. Thanks, Ginny, for saying this morning that you make a list and number things according to priority. We all know this, but I am one who forgets to do it, and my day goes so much better, and I am more productive when I start with a list.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about funding Non Profits, and sent it to newsletters. Hopefully, someone will pick it up and print it. I went ahead and wrote another one about how to inflation proof your own economy that I will send next week. I have also been writing to website owners to tell them about our business, and how well it would work with theirs. This is a little time consuming, because you want to look over their site to become familiar with it before you try to tell them you have just the thing for them!

I have signed up for the Texas NPO newsletter, and I will contact their NPO list with my idea of how to fund their NPO's. Anyone can put your state + NPO's into a search engine and get some great sites to contact.

By being able to make the morning calls, I am able to use the rest of the day to put the things to work that I learned, whereas when I make the evening call, there is not much time left to do anything, so I just go to bed excited and with inspiration. Although this may be great for my husband, it is not helping my business:)

Gotta go....I have calls to make!


Big Z and his Mom said...

Wanda, I dare to say that soon you'll be "On Fire!" You'll be blazin' new trails in TX . . . You've got the layout of the land by working for USPS all these years. But, I betcha they don't know what a trail-blazer you'll be.
Go! Go! Go! Congratulations!

worldchangerrealitybootcampeleanorn said...

They say that if you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results it is the definition of insanity. Good for you for changing your schedule to accommodate other things in your life. I, like you, feel most motivated after being on the call and think that starting the day with the call will help you to obtain the success you are working towards.