Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 4-A Day For Giving Thanks

We went to my husbands aunts house about 70 miles away today for lunch. We ran up on an accident that looked really bad! It appeared to be almost head on. There were so many already stopped there, and they were waving everyone on, so we prayed for the injured and went on. I immediately thought about the people in the two cars, probably going somewhere for Thanksgiving dinner just like we were. I am thankful for all the times I have made it where I was going safely, and I pray the accident wasn't as bad as it looked.

At my husband's aunt's house, our nephew wanted to do something new, so he told the story of the pilgrims first Thanksgiving, and only having very little to eat. We passed a plate with 5 kernals of corn around and everyone told what they were thankful for. It was a very nice addition, and so good to see a young man thoughtful enough to do that. We always start with prayer, but this was a nice new tradition. Then the food! (It was great food) I got a few new email addresses too!

Then, tonight, I checked my geneology, and GUESS WHAT?? I have a new WCM!! One more thing to be thankful for! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that we all have a prosperous day tomorrow! Wanda


World Changer Reality Boot Camp said...

YAY!!!!!Good for you!

Ginny Dye said...

Wooohooooo! Congratulations, Wanda! I am so proud of you and am so glad it is getting easier as you realize how many people are looking for something. Now that you're on a roll nothing will stop you!

Have FUN today!


bestblinddate said...

Way to go Wanda! I am so thankful that people open up about the real stuff... Thank you! And just building your My Power Mall along the way! :-)
