Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh, Happy Day!

There is a young lady on my route that just had surgery for a brain tumor. I had tried to get one of the churches in this small commu ity to get a mall, and build it for this girl. Well, today I decided I would do it myself, so I told the church pastor, and she decided to get one too, and build under this one, so I will have 2 World Changers!! One for the church, and one for the young lady and her family. Just need to get them set up! What a great day. Oh, and the radio call this morning was fantastic! This is gonna work:) Sent a few emails tonight when I got home. Now it is time to go to bed! Good night everyone.


bestblinddate said...

Woo Hoo Wanda! Congratulations!!!!!

Tina Katz said...

Wanda Congrads! You have a kind heart. Great Job!
tina from ny

Big Z and his Mom said...

Wanda . . . WONDERFUL news!!! Must be all those 9's that are working in your favor ;-). Congratulations on your own decision to help this woman --- your step helped the church pastor take a step . . . Now, the dance has begun. How blessed this young lady is to have you watching over her. Have a great Friday, and thanks for wishes for Big Z. He's still got a sore throat, but he's getting ready for school. He's tough ;-).