Friday, February 20, 2009

One Week Later.........

Well, it has been a week since boot camp ended. I have enjoyed the freedom of not having to make the calls every day, but I find myself thinking about them at the scheduled times every day, as well as thinking of all the people I came to know during the two months. I have learned that you must be persistent and consistant in this type of business, and probably in all types of dealings in life. You must also build relationships. I was always the type person that wanted to get things done quickly! I didn't have time to build relationships. Bah humbug! You must, if you want to succeed, and if you want a meaningful life. Well, it's back to work now. I am still buying leads, and for now, that is about all. Next week is the last week I will work at my lifelong job. Retirement is finally here! I have looked forward to it for all these 32 years, and now it is finally here. I am sure I don't yet realize just what all that means. I look forward to my "new" life. Ginny has promised to go outside and dance on my retirement day, and I will hold her to it! I hope it is raining! There is nothing better than dancing in the rain! I hope the rest of you are doing great things! I miss hearing from you every day, but I will get into making some of the calls after next Friday! Goodnight, my friends.

Friday, February 13, 2009

And So, The End Is Near, And As We Face The Final Curtain......

Well, this is it. I haven't quite reached my goal, but the show goes on. I feel confident we will ALL reach the goals we have set. We have put into effect the good habits that we need, (with the help of those two whip cracking women known as Ginny and Jacki), learned many of the things we need to know, and know who to call on if we need help or encouragement. What an awesome group of people you all are. Those that cheered us on, our wonderful leaders, and each one of you that participated. I can't wait until the reunion we'll have next year on a warm, sunny beach somewhere like Ginny promised. Uh-hmmm. This is a fantastic company. I am so proud I was allowed to take part in this first boot camp! I hope to go on to plan many things to help my community, my family and friends, and many others I will meet along the way. And to all of you I say "I love you, man!" If I can help anyone out there, please feel free to ask. I will continue to blog, though probably not daily. I will make some of the calls, though not all. I will be here, doing what I have learned to do. Thank you all so much for sharing the last two months of my life. I hope to share many more moments together. And never forget, Together We Can Change The World! Good night everyone:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, Feb.12

I'm batting 100. All my followups were once again answering machines. Emails sent out, messages left, repeat......... As was discussed on the call this morning, just because tomorrow is the last day of boot camp, the only thing it changes is that it takes the pressure off some. Everything else will roll right along:) Good night everyone.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, Feb. 11

Yep, Ginny was right! Finish the convfersation while you have them on the phone instead of giving them too much time. No answer on my follow up today. Just got answering machines on other followups. Even though it is late, I will get some emails out and call it a night. Tomorrow is another day. Gotta Gitter Done!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tues., Feb. 10.....Counting It Down

I didn't go out this evening. We had thunderstorms and tornado warnings, but it was a perfect night to make those calls!! I also got my PM Marketing site set up, and am looking forward to what will happen with it. I will finish up by emailing 25 of my old leads (from the first weeks of boot camp). All in all, a good day. Still getting a lot of answering machines, but I will leave messages and then follow up with email. Have a great night everyone!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Last Monday of Boot Camp 2/9/09

I have mixed feelings about this being the last week of boot camp. My initial reaction was relief. Looks like I am going to be able to finish. It will be nice to have my evenings back, and not have to juggle calls, follow ups and life. On the other hand, I have grown so used to hearing certain voices, and reading comments, it will be quite different not to have a reassuring note from Tess or Tina at the end of the day. (Congratulations Tess) And all the help from so many of you--Aletha, Richard, of course Jacki and Ginny. It's not like we can't or won't stay in touch. It just won't be every day for most of us. I'll miss you, my little power mallers!

Now, down to business! I had a really busy week end. I went to the mall with the intention of getting leads, and I got 14. I had followed up with about half before tonights call, and came home and called the rest of the names I had. One girl was at the bar, so she will have to call me back when she can hear better:) Still having a lot of answering machines. The only thing I know to do is just keep on talking to people, keep on following up, and keep on emailing and calling. I do buy leads on a regular basis, and I have the same problem with the answering machines on them, but I plan to try some new things that I have heard about on the calls, and in the updates, such as rent-a-list and network leads system. Now that the boot camp is about to end, it doesn't mean I will slow down on trying to build this business. I still know it is the best deal out there for a home based business, or for any type of fund raising you want to do. What a great day it was when I found My Power Mall! As someone else said on one of the calls, I will go back to what I was doing at the beginning, which was surfing sites and classifieds, since I got 16 or so sign-ups before boot camp started. Surely, a combination of these things will bring some results sooner or later. Preferably sooner. Nite all!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Night, Feb. 6

I made all my contacts today and followed up-. Got caught up too. I get so much more done when I am able to make the morning call! Tomorrow I will be spending 4 hours at the mall for another project, but I hope to be able to make contacts there for MPM also. I usually work on Saturday, but I took off to do this other thing, so I should have some good fresh leads from it. That is about all I got done today, but I still have time to get off a few emails if I hurry:) Have a great week end!!

PS Julia, I am praying for you.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, February 5

Today has been a pretty good day. Tina, thank you for your continued encouragement! Your site is awesome, and your heart is as big as the globe! Big Z, you and your precious mom are always quick to encourage me too! I am so fortunate to have met the people involved in this boot camp! Oh, and by the way Big Z, the band's name will be the Outsiders. Thanks for your input!

I have made my contacts today. I got home late, so only talked to one of my contacts. I will do my emails, though, and follow up tomorrow. I will make flyers tonight for Tonya's mall, so that they can get out there and we can start earning her some much needed funds! I would like to go to our Good Samaritan building at least by Monday. I passed by there today, but they were already closed. My Fridays are always busy, so I won't plan to go tomorrow. I will try to catch up on my phone calls. Ok, thanks again for everyone's encouragement! I really appreciate it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wed. Night

Well, trying to make up for not blogging, here I am again. I have made 5 calls this evening and sent 10 emails. It is almost midnight here. I have to admit, in trying to make sure I had something to do when I retired, I have gotten too much! I still work 9 hours a day at my job, and will until the end of Feb. It would be very easy for me to quit at this point. I suppose it is not fair to the rest of you when I don't get all my work done. I apologize. I am not a quitter, however, and knowing most of you by now, I feel like you would tell me to stick with it. That is what I plan to do unless I am asked to give my spot to someone else. I will try to do better. Goodnight everyone.

Already Wednesday?

Between computer trouble, forgetting my password, and trying to get two of my people signed up, I just this morning realized I hadn't blogged. I'm sorry about that! I thought I had the computer problem fixed with Aletha's help, but will have to try it again. It is still acting up!! I DID get my two people taken care of. One is a mall for a girl who has had a brain tumor removed, and the other is a church that will try to help build the first one! My goal was 10 malls for the bootcamp period, and I have 5 since the beginning of BC, so I need 5 more. I also talked to a lady today that is retired and looking for something to do. I gave her my card and pointed her to Tonya's mall, told her what we were doing with Tonya's mall, and will talk to her again tomorrow. I also got my 5, but no time to do my report until after 9. I have been making the morning calls so that my evenings are free. It usually gives me more time for calls and follow ups, but tonight, I will be out until about 9, so will do most of my followups tomorrow. I am also sending at least 10 emails a night to older leads and NPO's. Well, that's it! I am feeling good about things, but cautiosly so. Still need to stay on top of it! Good night everyone